The Bee Course 2023

16-26 August 2023Southwestern Research Station in Portal, ArizonaIn partnership with the American Museum of Natural History, Cornell University, and the Southwestern Research Station, we are proud to announce the 23rd installment of The Bee Course. The Bee Course is a ten-day workshop held at the Southwestern Research Station in Portal, Arizona that will run from August 16th through the 26th, 2023. The course is designed to train students in bee identification and systematics, bee biology and ecology, and faunistics and faunal survey work. The course focuses on wild bees (not honeybees) and we accept applications from people with an academic, land-management, policy, or conservation background. For more information on the course, including instructions on how to apply, a list of this year’s instructors, and course testimonials from previous offerings, please visit the new and improved course website at

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