Deadline: 10 NOVEMBER 2020
We would like to recruit a Technician to support field work and lab work as part of an ERC consolidator project to study the evolution of bee viruses in nature following the introduction of a vector, the ectoparasitic Varroa mite. The job will entail field work in Islands in the Irish Sea and English Channel, collecting honeybees and bumblebees in Summer 2021. The lab work will include RNA extractions, PCR, and sample preparation for next generation and single molecule sequencing. The ERC funded post is for 2 years (salary scale TV-L 7, 100%), with a preferred starting date in March 2021to allow for fieldwork from mid-June.
The ideal applicant will have a technical apprenticeship or similar qualification, experience in field work and molecular ecology (nucleotide extraction, PCR). Detailed information on the ideal profile can be found at https://stellenangebote.uni-ulm.de/jobposting/7d815ee94aaa04546265760fdd7990ee9679092b. For administrative reasons, the advert is in German only; we welcome applications from non-native speakers for this position, please get in contact if you are interested.
The position will be based at the University of Ulm, at the Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics. Ulm is a delightful historic city on the Danube in Southwestern Germany; it is one hour from the Alps, Lake Constance, Munich and Stuttgart. Our institute is an international and interactive team, comprising of 4 groups working on topics in fudamental and applied Evolutionary Ecology including for example Conservation Genomics, Host-Parasite Interactions and Pollinator Ecology (https://www.uni-ulm.de/en/nawi/bio3/).
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Lena Wilfert (lena.wilfert@uni-ulm.de). The closing date is the 10th of November 2020.
The job advert with detailed information on profile and responsibilities, as well as the link to the online application system can be found here: https://stellenangebote.uni-ulm.de/jobposting/7d815ee94aaa04546265760fdd7990ee9679092b
Please note that applications have to be processed online!
We would like to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Fellow as part of an ERC consolidator project to study the evolution of bee viruses in nature following the introduction of a vector, the ectoparasitic Varroa mite. The project will be based on initial field work (Islands in the Irish Sea and Channel). The project will focus on reconstructing transmission networks between bee species as well on understanding patterns of evolution in viruses following the introduction of vector-born transmission. The ERC-funded post is for 3.5 years (salary scale TV-L 13, 100%) , with a preferred starting date in March 2021 to allow for fieldwork from mid-June.
The post will include population genetics, phylogenetic modelling, new sequencing approaches and bioinformatics as well as field work and associated lab work focussing on RNA virus detection. Expert dedicated technical support is available for field and lab work. The successful applicant will be able to develop research objectives, projects and proposals; identify sources of research funding and contribute to the process of securing funds and make presentations at conferences and other events.
Applicants will possess a relevant PhD in a related field of study. The successful applicant will have expertise in the fields of phylodynamics, disease ecology or molecular ecology. The successful applicant will also be able to work collaboratively, supervise the work of others and act as team leader as required. Applicants should have expertise in population genetics, phylogenetics and/or bioinformatics. Ideally, the candidate will have experience in phylogenetic modelling of viral transmission and/or molecular ecology of RNA viruses. Experience in fieldwork and wet lab molecular ecology and evolution would be advantageous.
The position will be based at the University of Ulm, at the Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics. Ulm is a delightful historic city on the Danube in Southwestern Germany; it is one hour from the Alps, Lake Constance, Munich and Stuttgart.
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Lena Wilfert lena.wilfert@uni-ulm.de. The closing date is the 10th of November 2020.
The job advert with detailed information on profile and responsibilities, as well as the link to the online application system can be found here: https://stellenangebote.uni-ulm.de/jobposting/6802bbb8b016e80296c55f398d2cde44cb995f66
Please note that applications have to be processed online!