IUSSI North-West European section winter meeting 2020 – Open for registration and abstract submission

Registration is now open for the winter meeting of the IUSSI with a deadline of the 15th of November for abstract submission. The conference will take place over Zoom on 3 afternoons from the 16th to the 18th of December with keynote talks from: Lotta Sundström (University of Helsinki, Finland) Yusuf Abdullahi Ahmed (University of […]

30ème congrès UIEIS – Inscriptions fin mars/début avril – Avignon 28-30 août 2019

 Ouverture des inscriptions du 30ème congrès de l’UIEIS à Avignon Site web pour les inscriptions : https://colloque.inra.fr/insectes-sociaux2019/ Un deuxième flyer avec l’adresse du site sera diffusé à cette période. Comité scientifique Cédric Alaux Luc Belzunces Axel Decourtye Yves Le Conte Fanny Mondet Maryline Pioz   Comité d’organisation Cédric Alaux (responsable) Maryline Pioz (co-responsable) Luc Belzunces […]

Offre de stage de Master : Abeille / Guêpes / Fourmi d’Argentine

The Gibson lab in the Department of Biology at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, GA invites applications for a Masters Degree in insect evolutionary genetics to begin Spring 2019. The research focus of the lab is on the genetic/genomic basis of traits in social and solitary Hymenopteran insects. Current projects/systems in the lab include: 1) […]


The Sheehan lab (sheehanlab.weebly.com) at Cornell University is looking to recruit 2 postdocs to work on projects to understand the genomic and neural basis of individual facial recognition in paper wasps. Among its close relatives, the paper wasp Polistes fuscatus is unique in that it uses highly variable facial patterns to recognize individuals. The recent […]

2018 – Guaruja, Brésil – XVIII Congrès International de l’IUSSI, 5-10 août

CALL FOR SYMPOSIA IS OPEN Dear Colleagues, It is a pleasure to invite you to attend the XVIII IUSSI International Congress that will be held in Guarujá, Brazil, between August 5 to 10, 2018. From June 1 till October 20, 2017, we will be receiving symposia proposals for the XVIII IUSSI International Congress As shown […]

Offre de postdoc : Bioinformaticsbiology for social wasp evolution

POSTDOC: BIOINFORMATICS/COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY FOR SOCIAL WASP EVOLUTION, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Two Year Postdoc Position Available in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology – closing April 8th 2017 We seek a bioinformatician or computationally-minded postdoc to join our group, to work with an international team on a NERC-funded project on the molecular basis of phenotypic transitions in social evolution. The […]