
One or two PhD positions are available to study fire ant social biology  in the laboratory of John Wang at the Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) beginning in the Fall of 2018. Our lab uses the invasive pest species, the red imported fire ant, to study social biology and sex determination and their […]

Offre de thèse et de postdoc : SOCIAL IMMUNITY IN ANTS, IST AUSTRIA

Goniomma hispanicum

I am hiring PhD students and postdocs for a recently funded ERC Consolidator Grant project EPIDEMICSonCHIP. Aim of this project is to understand how social insects, particularly ants, collectively defend their colonies from disease and prevent epidemics in their societies; we will seek new approaches to determine how individual behaviours interact and lead to the […]


Goniomma hispanicum

PhD: GEOENGINEERING IMPACT OF WOOD ANTS, YORK Wood ants on the move: geoengineering impacts of wood ants as they move into new territory Supervisors:  Dr Elva Robinson  (University of York), Dr Kelly Redeker (University of York) & Dr Kate Parr (University of Liverpool) We are looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious student to develop an […]

Offre de thèse ou Master : The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

GRADUATE POSITION: SYMBIOTIC INTERACTIONS IN ANT SYSTEMS, OHIO STATE Master’s or PhD Position, The Adams Lab, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio I am currently looking for an exceptional graduate student with interests in symbiotic interactions in ant systems. Preferred applicants will have experience in evolutionary biology, chemical […]

Offre de Stage ou de thèse : Symbiotic interactions in ant systems / The Ohio State University

  Master’s or PhD Positionn / The Adams Lab Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio I am currently looking for an exceptional graduate student with interests in symbiotic interactions in ant systems. Preferred applicants will have experience in evolutionary biology, chemical ecology, microbiology and/or behavioral ecology. Although I […]


Background: Organisms across the tree of life form partnerships with microbes for protection, metabolic and nutrition. In some cases, host and symbiont become so tightly associated that dependency evolves and the two organisms integrate both physically and genomically. Dependency on microbes is particularly prevalent among insects. These acquisitions have led many groups of insect to […]

Offre de Postdoc : ANT VENOMs

ANT VENOMS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES This position is open to PhD. students or postdocs who have been working on ant venom related research work and would like to continue postdoctoral research in our institution in Beijing. Applicants need to apply for a special fund from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) to support postdoctoral […]

Le venin de fourmis contre le psoriasis ?


Le psoriasis est une maladie auto-immune assez fréquente, qui touche environ 2 % de la population française. Ses causes sont méconnues, bien que des facteurs héréditaires interviennent. Le psoriasis est une maladie chronique inflammatoire de la peau souvent traitée avec des crèmes contenant des stéroïdes (dermocorticoïdes), mais aussi des analogues de la vitamine D3. Cependant, […]

Une fourmi armée de lances métalliques et à l’aspect vampirique a été découverte

Des scientifiques ont récemment découvert un tout nouveau type de fourmi : cette espèce possède des parties buccales très pointues, renforcées de métal et utilisées pour aspirer le sang de ses ennemis. Heureusement pour leurs proies, cette espèce de fourmi est éteinte depuis très longtemps. Mais des chercheurs ont découvert un spécimen piégé dans l’ambre datant […]

2018 – Guaruja, Brésil – XVIII Congrès International de l’IUSSI, 5-10 août

CALL FOR SYMPOSIA IS OPEN Dear Colleagues, It is a pleasure to invite you to attend the XVIII IUSSI International Congress that will be held in Guarujá, Brazil, between August 5 to 10, 2018. From June 1 till October 20, 2017, we will be receiving symposia proposals for the XVIII IUSSI International Congress As shown […]