Offre de CDD : Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS à Université Paris Sud

Le laboratoire d’Ecologie, Systématique & Evolution de l’Université Paris Sud Orsay (France), recrute, au 1er Mars 2019, un(e) Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS. Le poste est un CDD dans un premier temps, avec objectif de pérennisation en poste définitif. L’IR intégrera le groupe de recherche de Franck Courchamp et travaillera en priorité sur les invasions biologiques […]

Dispatch dans Science et Le Figaro : Melissotarsus ants for tunnelling through living wood

Un insecte africain à la morphologie très particulière creuse des galeries dans les arbres. Vous ne les verrez jamais. Déjà, avec 2 mm de longueur, elles font partie des plus petites fourmis du monde. Ensuite, elles ne sortent jamais à l’air libre et vivent toutes leur vie dans des tunnels situés sous l’écorce des arbres. […]

Offre de thèse : evolutionary epigenetics and genomics of social insects in the Hunt Lab at the University of Georgia

The Hunt Lab is broadly interested in how evolution produces variation in insect form and function. We use ants and bees as models for studying how evolutionary mechanisms shape variation in social behavior. We have two, recently-funded projects in the lab to support graduate students; both use functional genomic and transcriptomic methods to study the […]

Offre de stage de Master : Abeille / Guêpes / Fourmi d’Argentine

The Gibson lab in the Department of Biology at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, GA invites applications for a Masters Degree in insect evolutionary genetics to begin Spring 2019. The research focus of the lab is on the genetic/genomic basis of traits in social and solitary Hymenopteran insects. Current projects/systems in the lab include: 1) […]

Offre de Postdoc : Ant adaptation to hot and arid areas – transcriptomics data analysis, Brussels

The Evolutionary Biology & Ecology lab (ULB Belgium) and the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (ULB and VUB Belgium, are recruiting a 2-year postdoc researcher to study how desert ants have evolved their extreme degree of thermophily. The project is based on a comparative approach to examine how similar desert conditions have led […]

Offre de thèse : Impacts of globalization on biological invasions – UNIL, Lausanne

Introduction Since the Industrial Revolution increased international trade and human movements have resulted in the accidental movement of many species worldwide at an unprecedented level. This ongoing movement of species has brought about the breakdown of biogeographic boundaries that have historically limited the distributions of organisms and some of these species become invasive. Invasive species […]

Offre de thèse : Establishment of invasive ants under novel climates – UNIL, Lausanne

Introduction Invasive species are among the greatest threats to global biodiversity, playing a key role in the majority of known animal extinctions. In addition to major ecological damage worldwide, biological invasions impose a tremendous cost on society. It is crucial to develop a better understanding of the conditions under which invasive populations are able to […]

Offre de thèse : Evolutionary genomics in an invasive ant, Münster/Regensburg

PhD Position (salary level TV-L E13, 65%) to study evolutionary genomics in invasive ants, specifically rapid adaptive change in Cardiocondyla obscurior The fixed-term position is available for three years and will begin on 1 November 2018 or as soon as possible. Currently, the regular weekly working hours for a full-time position (100%) are 39 hours […]

Offres de thèses : Fourmis x 3 / Abeilles x 1 / Termites x2 + 1 Mouche

We invite applications for 7 PhD positions within the framework of the new Research Unit *Sociality and the reversal of the fecundity/longevity trade-off* (FOR 2281) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) Why do organisms age? The genetic underpinnings of ageing seem to be highly conserved from nematode worms to humans. Across animals, ageing […]

Bande dessinées sur les fourmis envahissantes

Franck Courchamp travaille actuellement avec Mathieu Ughetti sur une bande dessinées sur les fourmis envahissantes. Il y aura vraisemblablement un album papier, mais au moins un site web interactif avec les planches BD, agrémentées de liens vers des articles et des photos (mais pas sur l’album papier). Pour cela j’aurai besoin de photos gratuites et […]