PostDoc Position – Evolutionary Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth

PostDoc/Senior Scientist (fixed term) (Akademischer Rat/Akademische Rätin auf Zeit) (m/f/d) Research Position in Evolutionary Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth   The University of Bayreuth, Germany, is a research-oriented university with internationally competitive, interdisciplinary focal areas in ecology & environmental science. The Department of Evolutionary Animal Ecology headed by Prof. Dr. Sandra Steiger studies various aspects […]

Offres de thèses : Fourmis (x3), Université Mainz, Allemagne

3 PhD positions in evolutionary biology of social insects at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany The Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution is seeking candidates for 3 PhD positions (starting October 1st 2019) to study the molecular regulation of ant social life within the Research Training Group GenEvo. Position 1 – Molecular regulation […]

30ème congrès UIEIS – Inscriptions fin mars/début avril – Avignon 28-30 août 2019

 Ouverture des inscriptions du 30ème congrès de l’UIEIS à Avignon Site web pour les inscriptions : Un deuxième flyer avec l’adresse du site sera diffusé à cette période. Comité scientifique Cédric Alaux Luc Belzunces Axel Decourtye Yves Le Conte Fanny Mondet Maryline Pioz   Comité d’organisation Cédric Alaux (responsable) Maryline Pioz (co-responsable) Luc Belzunces […]

Offre de thèse : Spatial-temporal evolution of Macaranga ant-plant lineages (Euphorbiaceae) in Southeast Asia

Dear all, I am looking for a highly motivated PhD student to participate in our project « Spatial-temporal evolution of Macaranga ant-plant lineages (Euphorbiaceae) in Southeast Asia ». This is a fixed term-position for three years (part-time, 65 % of a full-time employee), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Project description: In this project, we will […]

Offre de Thèses & de Post-docs : 2 PhD and 2 Post-doc positions to study transmission dynamics and disease defences in ant colonies in Switzerland

2 PhD and 2 Post-doc positions to study transmission dynamics and disease defences in ant colonies (Switzerland)   As part of a new ERC-funded project (ERC Starting Grant), I am looking for 2 PhD students and 2 post-doctoral researchers to address the following questions: 1. What are the effects of social network structure on disease […]

Offre de Postdoc : Effects of social network structure on disease transmission in ants

A 2-year post-doc position is available in the research group of Professor Nathalie Stroeymeyt in the Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, to study the effect of social network properties on disease transmission dynamics in ant colonies. Background Group living offers favourable conditions for the spread of infectious diseases, because high population densities and frequent […]

Offre de Postdoc : Effects of caste-specific microbiota on disease susceptibility in ants

A 3-year post-doc position is available in the research group of Professor Nathalie Stroeymeyt in the Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, to study the role of caste-specific microbiota in the disease defences of ant colonies. Background Group living offers favourable conditions for the spread of infectious diseases, because high population densities and frequent social […]

Offre de thèse : Effects of group composition on disease transmission and immune investment in ants

A 4-year PhD position is available in the research group of Professor Nathalie Stroeymeyt in the Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, to study the effect of group composition on disease transmission and relative investment in personal vs. social immunity in ants. Background Group living offers favourable conditions for the spread of infectious diseases, because […]

Stage : Étude expérimentale des processus de régulation du flux alimentaire chez la fourmi

Sujet de stage: L’alimentation est un phénomène régulé par les besoins nutritionnels de l’organisme et la disponibilité d’aliments. En fonction de l’état physiologique de l’individu et de l’éco système dans lequel celui-ci évolue, le choix pour un type d’aliment et les quantités ingérées varient. Le choix du type d’aliment ingéré et la régulation de l’activité […]

Offre de stage M2 : Suivi des communautés d’arthropodes de l’île de Bagaud (réserve intégrale du Parc national de Port-Cros) suite à l’éradication simultanée de deux espèces exotiques envahissantes.

Résumé: L’île de Bagaud est une réserve intégrale du Parc national de Port-Cros située dans l’archipel des îles d’Hyères (Var, France) qui a été soumise à deux perturbations majeures au cours des derniers siècles : l’invasion par le Rat noir (Rattus rattus) et par les Griffes de sorcière (Carpobrotus spp.). La communauté des Arthropodes de […]