Offre de thèse : four PhD scholarships at the University of Bristol

I am currently looking for candidates for four competitively-funded PhD scholarships in my lab at the University of Bristol, UK (see below), all starting in September 2025. The principle of competitively-funded scholarships is that there is a set number of scholarships available at the whole School (project 1) / Faculty (projects 2 and 4) / […]

Offre de Master 2 : Reconnaissance des nombres chez les fourmis (LEEC, Paris)

Savoir évaluer des quantités est une capacité utile dans de nombreuses situations, pour choisir la meilleure source de nourriture ou évaluer le rapport de force dans un contexte de compétition par exemple (Nieder, 2020). Cette capacité semble d’ailleurs très largement répandue au sein des Vertébrés, des poissons aux primates (Agrillo & Beran, 2013). Au sein […]

La fourmi invasive Solenopsis invicta s’est établie en Europe

Solenopsis invicta head

La fourmi de feu Solenopsis invicta, considérée comme l’une des plus grandes espèces invasives au monde s’est installée en Europe. Son implantation est reconnue comme ayant des impacts sur les écosystèmes, l’agriculture et la santé humaine. Les scientifiques Menchetti et collaborateurs rapportent dans leur article du 11/09/2023 publié dans Current Biology qu’une population mature de […]

Offre de Post-doc : Open Post-Doc Position: Protein evolution in slave-maker ants (Münster or Frankfurt, Germany)

Postdoc to study the role and mechanisms of protein evolution in the course of evolution of social complexity (DFG funded). The candidate will investigate the genomic basis of convergent slave-maker evolution in ants, a system which has already dazzled Darwin and where one species exploits the social system of their host species. Both diverged from […]

Offre de Post-doc : Uncovering the Evolution and Molecular Regulation of Insect Cognition (iomE Mainz, Germany)

Postdoctoral Researcher Position at the iomE Mainz, Germany: Uncovering the Evolution and Molecular Regulation of Insect Cognition How do insects learn to find their way around a maze? When does it make sense for them to forget? What are the molecular bases of learning and forgetting in these social insects? How are those genes regulated […]

Offre de thèse : Consequences of genomic changes during the evolution of ant slavery (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)

Doctoral Researcher Position (PhD): Consequences of genomic changes during the evolution of ant slavery Join our international team as a graduate student to investigate the consequences genomic changes during the evolution of dulotic social parasitism. Follow up on the recent discovery that slavemaking ants have convergently lost odorant receptors and investigate the ability of these […]

Offre de Master 2 : Adaptation des fourmis urbaines aux contraintes thermiques le long d’un gradient latitudinal – IRBI Tours

Contexte Les îlots de chaleur urbaine sont communs à toutes les villes, mais leurs impacts sur les espèces ectothermes, comme les insectes, varient selon la latitude. En effet, il est raisonnable de supposer que les insectes peuvent bénéficier de ces îlots chaleur urbaine à des latitudes élevées, mais subir des contraintes thermiques à des latitudes […]

Offre de Postdoct : Mechanisms of division of labor in social insects, Toulouse, France

Postdoc position – Mechanisms of division of labor in social insects, Toulouse, France Deadline: June 30th, 2023 We are currently seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic candidate who possesses a strong background in evolutionary biology, molecular biology, and bioinformatics to join our group at the Research Center on Animal Cognition (CRCA) in Toulouse, France. Project […]

Offre de thèse : Swarm construction – ant-inspired processes for teams of building robots, MacQuarie University

weaver ants

Application deadline: 1 October 2023 (though can be filled earlier)Lead Supervisor: Chris R Reid, Macquarie University, Sydney, AustraliaBackground: Construction and manufacturing can be dangerous, wasteful industries — prime candidates for automation by teams of mobile robot builders. However, our understanding of how to program robots for teamwork is limited. This project aims to understand how […]

Offre de thèse : « EMINENT: Consequences of an EMerging parasite on an INvasivE aNT in Europe », HALLE, GERMANY

PhD: « EMINENT: Consequences of an EMerging parasite on an INvasivE aNT in Europe », HALLE, GERMANYApplication deadline: 15 March 20233 year PhD position available (application deadline: 15 March 2023) within the project « EMINENT: Consequences of an EMerging parasite on an INvasivE aNT in Europe » starting on the 01.08.2023 (flexible: 01.07.2023-01.10.2023).Project description:Biological invasions and emerging infectious diseases […]