PostDoc/Senior Scientist (fixed term) (Akademischer Rat/Akademische Rätin auf Zeit) (m/f/d)
Research Position in Evolutionary Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth
The University of Bayreuth, Germany, is a research-oriented university with internationally competitive, interdisciplinary focal areas in ecology & environmental science. The Department of Evolutionary Animal Ecology headed by Prof. Dr. Sandra Steiger studies various aspects within the fields of Behavioral, Chemical, and Evolutionary Ecology (www.eae.uni-bayreuth.de). Our research focuses on the ecology and evolution of communication, family life (including parental care) and host-parasite interaction.
The department invites applications for a : PostDoc/Senior Scientist (fixed term) (Akademische Rat/ Akademische Rätin auf Zeit) (m/f/d)
The contract shall start on October 1st, 2019. The position will initially be restricted to 3 years. Extension to further 3 years is possible. The salary will be determined in accordance with national guidelines for civil service at paygrade A13 (100%).
We are seeking a highly motivated, team-oriented candidate with a strong background in the research area of the department (behavioral ecology, evolutionary ecology or chemical ecology). Preference will be given to applicants working with terrestrial arthropods and a proven record in the use of molecular techniques (RNAseq, RNAi, etc.). However, we also encourage researchers with a more theoretical approach to apply. The position comes with a teaching requirement of 5 hours per week during the semester and the candidate is expected to supervise undergraduate as well as graduate students. Teaching of undergraduate students must be performed in German, consequently the willingness to learn German is required. Furthermore, we expect the successful candidate to apply for third party funding.
The formal requirements for application are a PhD in biology and a good research record as demonstrated by publications in international journals. A previous Postdoc experience would be desirable, but is no necessary.
We offer an inspiring and stimulating research environment with state-of-the-art laboratories and techniques. The possibility for “habilitation” is given.
How to apply – Please send your application electronically (in one pdf file) containing:
- Curriculum vitae including publication records
- Cover letter detailing research interests and experience
- Name and email address of a least two people to provide reference
Deadline for application is June 1st, 2019. However, the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. The University of Bayreuth advocates gender equality. Woman are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Equally qualified handicapped applicants will be given preference. Please note that travel costs and other expenses for an application interview will not be covered.
Please send your application by email as a single pdf file to: sandra.steiger@uni-bayreuth.de