NSF-BSF funded positions for a Ph.D. student and a postdoc are available in the Privman lab at the Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Israel. The lab studies evolutionary genomics of social behavior in ants, employing tools from population genomics, genomic mapping, and phylogenomics. Ongoing research includes several projects combining population sampling, behavioral experiments, chemical analysis of pheromones, genomic sequencing, and computational analysis (see http://privman.haifa.ac.il/).
The new positions will be funded by an NSF-BSF grant for a collaboration with the group of Prof. Deborah Gordon at Stanford University. The project aims to unravel the genomic basis of social evolution, focusing on foraging behavior in variable climate conditions. The successful candidates will work in collaboration with teammates from both labs, to contribute to any or all stages of the research, including behavioral and genomic surveys, laboratory procedures and computational analyses. The research plan includes genomic sequencing of hundreds of samples, population genomic and genomic mapping analyses. The genomic work will be conducted in Haifa, using a liquid handling robot for both DNA extraction and genomic library construction. The analysis of the genomic sequencing data will also be conducted in Haifa, using our high-performance computer cluster. Therefore, candidates should have experience and/or motivation to learn genomics and bioinformatics. All the necessary protocols and knowhow for both molecular lab and bioinformatics procedures are already well established in the Privman lab.
The Institute of Evolution offers a supportive, dynamic, diverse, multicultural and multilingual working environment. The Institute hosts research groups working on a diverse, interdisciplinary spectrum of topics in ecology and evolution (see http://evolution.haifa.ac.il/). Students will have access to leading researchers with expertise in ecology and evolution, population genetics, phylogenetics and molecular evolution, as well as genomics and bioinformatics, including genomic mapping. Professional training opportunities in these fields are available in the Institute, the University of Haifa, and in other Israeli institutes, including advanced courses, workshops and conferences. Although the common language in Israel is Hebrew, there are many foreign researchers and students in the Institute and all activities are conducted in English, including seminars, advanced courses, workshops and conferences. The Institute offers state-of-the-art facilities and professional support for molecular biology research in general and genomics in particular, as well as a high-performance computer cluster for bioinformatic analysis.
Please send your application to Dr. Eyal Privman: eprivman@univ.haifa.ac.il
Informal inquiries are also welcome.
Informal inquiries are also welcome.
The application should include a cover letter with a short description of research experience, research interests, and why you are interested to join our lab, your CV, and the contact details of 2-3 referees.