Application deadline: 1 December 2021
1) The first project is on the « Importance and sustainability of endangered communities of bee pollinators in the machair, a changing coastal ecosystem ». This is a 3.5 years CASE project, part of a competition funded by QUADRAT NERC DTP and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust (https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org) and in collaboration with Dr Paul Williams (Queen’s University Belfast; https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/persons/paul-williams), Dr Lesley Lancaster (University of Aberdeen; https://www.abdn.ac.uk/sbs/people/profiles/lesleylancaster) and Prof Robin Pakeman (The James Hutton Institute; https://www.hutton.ac.uk/staff/robin-pakeman). Prospective candidates can find full details about the project, including criteria and eligibility, on FindAPHD or on the QUADRAT website. Deadline to apply to this program is Wednesday, December 01, 2021. FindAPHD advert: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/quadrat-dtp-case-importance-and-sustainability-of-endangered-communities-of-bee-pollinators-in-the-machair-a-changing-coastal-ecosystem/?p134843 QUADRAT website: https://www.quadrat.ac.uk/projects/importance-and-sustainability-of-endangered-communities-of-bee-pollinators-in-the-machair-a-changing-coastal-ecosystem-case/
2) The title of the second project is « Identifying the link between viral infections and foraging behaviour in the honeybee brain ». This is a 4 year PhD project, part of a competition funded by EASTBIO BBSRC DTP and in collaboration with Dr Alan Bowman (University of Aberdeen; https://www.abdn.ac.uk/people/a.bowman) and Dr Mark Barnett (University of Edinburgh, Roslin Institute; https://www.ed.ac.uk/profile/dr-mark-barnett). Prospective candidates can find full details about the project, including criteria and eligibility, on FindAPHD and on the EASTBIO website.
Deadline to apply to this program is Thursday, December 16, 2021. FindAPHD advert: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/eastbio-identifying-the-link-between-viral-infections-and-foraging-behaviour-in-the-honeybee-brain/?p135449 EASTBIO website: http://www.eastscotbiodtp.ac.uk/how-apply-0