Description: Two full-time Graduate Research Assistantships (Ph.D.) are available beginning Summer/Fall 2019 in the laboratory of Dr. Brock Harpur (beemolevo.com) in the Department of Entomology at Purdue University.
North American honeybee populations are non-native. They originate from European settlers who brought colonies from at least two highly-diverged
source populations. How does admixture of highly diverged populations influence gene expression, gene regulation, phenotypic expression, and ultimately the evolution of traits? The Harpur lab is seeking two Ph.D. students to combine genomics, transcriptomics, computational biology, and biochemistry to tackle this question focusing on industry-relevant traits.
Application of molecular techniques and outreach to beekeepers and the community will be an integral part of the students’ training.
Contact: Interested candidates should contact Dr. Harpur (b.harpur@gmail.com) by November 17th, 2018. Please contact him with any questions.
To be considered for this position send a C.V., contact information for 3 references and a 1-page cover letter describing research interests and background (use email subject line: « Grad Fellowship: Harpur Lab »). You can also meet Dr. Harpur in person at the 2018 ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting (Entomology 2018) in Vancouver.
The College’s strategic plan can be accessed at https://ag.purdue.edu/plan/Pages/default.aspx
For more information on the Entomology Graduate Program, Purdue University and West Lafayette, Indiana see:
http://www.entm.purdue.edu/prospective-grads/, http://www.purdue.edu/ and