Deadline: 8 January 2020
We are loooking for a highly motivated student to join our team working on the social immunity in ant colonies. The PhD thesis will be integrated in an ERC project to elucidate how ant colonies as a whole reach disease defence by the cooperative actions of its members. In particularly, we study the behavioural interaction of the individuals, their chemical communication and hygiene measures, as well as their individual immune responses.
For more details on our research activities, please see: https://socialimmunity.com
If you are interested, please send an email with your CV and motivation letter to Sylvia Cremer, IST Austria: sylvia.cremer@ist.ac.at
Please note that PhD students are accepted to the general IST Austria Graduate school and are affiliated to a research group after a training period (rotations in research groups and coursework). All applications hence need to be formally submitted to the IST Austria Graduate School with a deadline of January 8th, 2020.
For more information, please see: https://phd.pages.ist.ac.at