PhD position to work on social insects is available in the Lab of Functional Genomics & Sociobiology at the University of Aberdeen, under the supervision of Dr Fabio Manfredini.
« Origin and maintenance of plasticity in response to thermal stress in invasive and declining ants ».
This is a 4 year PhD project, part of a competition funded byEASTBIO BBSRC DTPand in collaboration withDr Lesley Lancaster(University of Aberdeen),Dr JenniStockan(The James Hutton Institute) andDr Nathan Bailey(Univeristy of St Andrews). The deadline for application is Sunday, January 05, 2020.
You can find full details and how to apply here:
Or you can contact Dr Fabio Manfredini directly if you have any question:
Email fmanfredini79@gmail.com, Twitter@fmanfredini79
Fabio Manfredini (BSc; MSc, PhD)
Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Biological Sciences
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, TW20 0EX
Cell.: +44 07852416104
e-Mail: fabio.manfredini@rhul.ac.uk
Skype: fabio.manfredini2
Webpage: www.fmanfredini79.wixsite.com/manfredini
Fabio Manfredini <fmanfredini79@gmail.com>