PhD Position: NSF-supported graduate studies in evolutionary epigenetics and genomics of social insects at the University of Georgia.
The Hunt Lab at UGA is broadly interested in how evolution produces variation in insect form and function. We use social insects, such as ants, bees, and wasps as models for studying how evolutionary and gene regulatory mechanisms shape variation in social behavior. We have taken a particular interest in investigating genetic and epigenetic factors that underlie differences in complex traits.
In collaboration with Ken Ross at UGA, we study how a supergene and phenotypic plasticity influence variation in colony queen number and social behaviors in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. In collaboration with Sarah Kocher at Princeton University, we study how gene regulatory evolution shapes social behaviors. We are always interested in identifying new systems and approaches for study.
The Hunt Lab is a young and dynamic research group dedicated to fostering the success of its lab members. We are a part of the Entomology Department, one of many departments in the life sciences at the University of Georgia. Diverse areas of expertise and coursework availability at UGA, along with a first-rate genomics core facility, help students reach their full potential. Students will take coursework and receive training in entomology, genetics, and bioinformatics.
Requirements: An interest in broad evolutionary questions and a desire to develop bioinformatic expertise. Applicants must meet requirements of admission to the Graduate School at the University of Georgia (see http://www.caes.uga.edu/departments/entomology/graduate.html).
The start date is flexible.
More information about the Hunt Lab can be found online at http://huntlab.uga.edu. Prospective applicants should email Brendan Hunt at huntbg@uga.edu with a statement of interest.
BRENDAN HUNT <huntbg@uga.edu>