Open until filled, but deadline of 15 December 2021 to be included in recruiting events The Kapheim Lab (https://www.kapheimlab.com/) at Utah State University is recruiting a PhD student to study the relationship between life history evolution and social behavior in bees starting Fall 2022. The project will focus on the facultatively eusocial bee, Megalopta genalis, with a combination of behavioral field work, physiological assays, and analyses of gene expression. Field work will be conducted at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama (https://stri.si.edu/). Potential students interested in social evolution and with a desire to develop skills in behavioral ecology, physiology, and bioinformatics are encouraged to apply. The position comes with a competitive support package including research and travel funding, salary, tuition waivers, and health insurance. The position will be open until filled, but applications should be completed by Dec. 15 to be included in the Department of Biology Recruiting events (https://biology.usu.edu/education/graduate-program/application_guideline). The Kapheim Lab is a collaborative group of scientists who are committed to cultivating equity, diversity, and inclusion in academia while promoting professional, scientific, and personal growth for every member of our team. More information, including our Code of Conduct and mentoring policies can be found on the lab website. Potential applicants should please send an email to Dr. Kapheim (karen.kapheim@usu.edu) with a CV and brief statement of interest that describes why you are interested in the research and graduate school more generally. Please also feel free to email with any questions. Karen M. Kapheim Associate Professor Department of Biology Utah State University 5305 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322 karen.kapheim@usu.eduhttps://www.kapheimlab.com/