PHD STUDENTSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The ageing bee: how does sociality affect ageing in social animals?
PhD to study sociality and ageing in bumble bees at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Supervisors: Andrew Bourke (a.bourke@uea.ac.uk), Alex Maklakov, Tracey Chapman (all UEA)
Closing date for applications: TUESDAY 7 JANUARY 2020
A PhD studentship to start in October 2020 is now open for applications. Using the bumble bee Bombus terrestris, the student will employ experimental and genetic methods to test whether, in social organisms, longevity and ageing depend primarily on properties of the individual or group. Applicants will be competitively selected for funding of the studentship by the ARIES NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (https://www.aries-dtp.ac.uk/).
For further details of the project (BOURKEUBIO20ARIES) and instructions on how to apply, see: https://www.aries-dtp.ac.uk/studentships/bourke/
Posted 13/11/2019