Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
I am currently looking for an exceptional graduate student with interests in symbiotic interactions in ant systems. Preferred applicants will have experience in evolutionary biology, chemical ecology, microbiology and/or behavioral ecology. Although I encourage independence and personal ownership in research direction, I am seeking a student that shares my interest in ant semiochemical evolution and function in the fungus-growing ants and their Megalomyrmex social parasites (e.g., alarm compounds, venom alkaloids and cuticular hydrocarbons).
Students in my lab are supported through a combination of internal and external fellowships, personal grants and my research funding. They are
expected to actively seek funding and the scope of their research may be influenced by their success.
All students who are accepted into the EEOB Graduate Program receive support for 3 (M.S.) or > 5 (Ph.D.) years by becoming a teaching
assistant. More details on the EEOB Graduate Program can be obtained at our departmental website (https://eeob.osu.edu/grad/graduate-program). Corey Ash is our graduate student coordinator and can answer questions about graduate admissions. The EEOB application materials are due December 1st for programs to begin the following Autumn. By the time of admission, applicants must have earned a B.Sc. or B.A. from an accredited institution with a major in one of the life sciences. Course work in calculus, organic chemistry or biochemistry is required; statistics and physics are strongly recommended.
If you are interested in joining my research group, please send a single pdf inc luding 1) a letter of motivation (your interests, past experience,
and why you w ant to work with me), 2) a CV, 3) an unofficial transcript, 4) GRE scores and percentiles, and 5) the names and addresses of three
Rachelle M. M. Adams
The Ohio State University
Rachelle M. M. Adams, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology Museum of
Biological Diversity
MBD 1500, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212
614-292-6980 Main Office / 614-292-6579 Office / 614-292-9794 Lab