Closing date 6 April 2017 (Midnight GMT)
A NERC funded Research Associate position is available for 33 months in the research group of Dr Richard Gill at Imperial College London’s Silwood Park campus, to investigate insect pollinator responses to a century of land-use change. This position will primarily focus on population trait evolution of insect pollinators, and the investigation of stress induced effects on bee behaviour and colony fitness. The position will involve collaborating with researchers at the Natural History Museum London who will generate complementary genomic datasets, and involve work with curators from a number of UK museums to analyse insect specimens and with researchers from NHM London, Queen Mary University of London, Northampton University and Christchurch University (New Zealand).
The Gill group’s aim is to better understand how insect pollinator populations (primarily bees) respond to landscape change, and how they adapt to newly emerging environments and the impact on measures of fitness. The successful candidate will focus on addressing two primary questions (i) whether there are regional adaptations in response to differential land-use change (LUC) and (ii) whether specific factors associated with agricultural LUC place a constraint on social bee colony development and fitness. This will involve analysis of morphological variation using museum specimens, investigating phenological change from archival records, and undertaking manipulation experiments alongside behavioural observations. As part of this NERC project, Prof Ian Barnes and Dr Selina Brace (@NHM London) will be focusing on the recovery and analysis of ancient DNA from museum specimens and we intend for the successful candidate to also contribute to this aspect of the project.
You should hold a PhD (or equivalent) in a Biological Science. You will have a background in evolution and/or ecology, with experience in the analysis of trait variation. You will also have experience of husbandry, handling or monitoring animals in the laboratory and/or field. You will also have experience in experimental design and will have the ability to analyse large data sets in addition to a proven track record of publishing quality research. Previous experience in using any of the following methods is desirable: micro-CT scanning technology, geometric morphometrics, observation of animal behaviour and collections-based research.
This full-time, fixed-term post has a start date of 19 June 2017 (but with some flexibility). Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Richard Gill at r.gill@imperial.ac.uk and further details of the Gill research group can be found at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/r.gill.
The preferred method of application is online via our website http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment (please select « Job Search » then enter the job title or vacancy reference number including spaces – NS 2017 045 LH – into « Keywords »). Please complete and upload an application form as directed. If you are unable to apply online, please contact Christine Short by email c.j.short@imperial.ac.uk, to request an application form.
Salary: £36,070 – £43,350 per annum (maximum starting salary £36,070)