Assistant Professor / Junior Group Leader: Evolution, Behavioral Ecology and/or Genomics of (Social) Insects, Mainz
The Faculty 10 Biology, Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution, Department Behavioral Ecology and Social Evolution at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz is looking for an Assistant Professor / Junior Group Leader (Akademischer Rat at a University / Bes.Gr. A 13 BBesG)
Evolution, Behavioral Ecology and/or Genomics of (Social) Insects
Reference-No.: 18619-10-A13-ml
starting February 1st 2020 or later.
Employment will be as a civil servant, for initially for 3 years with the possibility of extensions (12-year rule applies). In case the prerequisites of civil service are not fulfilled, an engagement as a Scientific Assistant (EG 13 TV-L) is possible. More information on potential contract length and conditions can be given upon request. The earliest start of the position will be February 1st 2020, preferably no later than 15.4.2020.
The research focus of the department under the direction of Prof. Dr. Susanne Foitzik lays within evolutionary biology and behavioral ecology of social insects. Our international research team consists of four groups working on the evolution, behavior, transcriptomics, chemical ecology of social insects (https://www.blogs.uni-mainz.de/fb10-evolutionary-biology/research-groups/) and collaboration with the other groups at the department are desirable. Scientific interactions or integration within the Research Training Group „Gene regulation in Evolution” (https://www.imb.de/about-imb/joint-research-initiatives/genevo/) would be advantageous.
We are seeking a highly motivated young researcher with a strong background in evolution, behavior and / or genomics to establish a junior research group within the Department of Behavioral Ecology and Social Evolution. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience is necessary. The successful candidate should address evolutionary, behavioral ecological or genomic questions on insects, preferentially social insects. Scientific experience with the newest genetic methods (e.g. Next-Gen Seq, transcriptomics, Genomics, Proteomics. Microbiome, Metabolomics) including bioinformatic analyses is advantageous.
Excellent research conditions are available at new Biocenter I of the JGU with “State of the Art” genetic and chemical laboratories in Mainz. Furthermore, several new climate chambers are available for animal maintenance and controlled experiments. A small start-up package may be possible. A NextGen sequencing facility is available on campus. For further information, please contact foitzik@uni-mainz.de.
The successful candidate should have an excellent publication record. Experience with grant acquisition and teaching is advantageous. The candidate should set-up an independent, competitive research group and is encouraged to apply for grants in Germany or the EU (e.g., DFG, ERC). The position comes with a teaching requirement of 4 h per week during the semester in the Master and Bachelor programs. The candidate has the option to acquire a “Habilitation”. The working language of the lab is English.
Requirements of appointment:
- University degree and a PhD in biology (or related field)
- Full-time employment of at least two years and six months after university education
The Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz is interested in increasing the number of women in science. Applications from female scientists are strongly encouraged. Similarly, qualified candidates with disabilities will be preferred.
The University of Mainz (http://www.unimainz.de/eng/) hosts many excellent scientific institutions, including the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB, www.imb-mainz.de) and Mainz is a historic city located on the Rhine River with many students and a rich social and cultural life (http://www.mainz.de/WGAPublisher/online/html/default/hpkr-5nkek8.en.html).
Interested candidates should send an application (as a single e-mail pdf attachment) containing a CV, a list of publications (including reprints of the three most important publications), research and teaching statements, and contact information of two potential referees to: foitzik@uni-mainz.de
Prof. Dr. Susanne Foitzik
Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Hanns Dieter Hüsch Weg 15
D-55128 Mainz
Tel: +49 (0) 6131 39 27 840
Closing date for the application is November 20th, 2019.
Earliest possible starting date is February 1st 2020. Later starting dates are negotiable, but participation in teaching during the summer semester 2020 (end April to July) is expected.