A 2 year full time ERC-funded postdoctoral position is available starting 1 June 2019 in the research group of Professor Jeremy Field, based in the Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, UK (http://biosciences.exeter.ac.uk/staff/index.php?web_id=Jeremy_Field).
The successful applicant will work on a project investigating the evolution of queen-worker caste differences and social behaviour in sweat bees (Halictidae: Lasioglossum, Halictus). Additional funding, beyond the initial 2 years, may be available depending on the needs of the project.
The post will involve work that could include carrying out field transplants, behavioural observations and experiments, together with transcriptomic work relating behaviour to gene expression (see Field et al. 2010 Current Biology 20:2028-31 for an example of our behavioural work). The successful applicant will have relevant experience in evolutionary or behavioural ecology and/or transcriptomics with non-model organisms.
The closing date for completed applications is 31 March 2019. Interviews are provisionally expected to take place during 22-30 April 2019.
For full details, including how to apply, enter the job reference number (P66687) as a keyword in the University of Exeter job search engine at: