1 year 5 month postdoc on viral evolution in bees
A postdoctoral researcher is sought for a project on the evolutionary ecology of viruses in bees within Robert Paxton’s lab at the University of Halle, Germany. The overarching goal of the research is to understand the role of viral epidemiology and evolutionary change for pathogen emergence and host switching; the project is embedded within the DFG’s priority program: Ecology and Species Barriers in Emerging Viral Diseases (SPP 1596). Requirements sought: a highly motivated individual; experience in, or knowledge of, evolutionary modelling and bioinformatics; an interest in host-parasite interactions. Opportunities exist to develop the research through lab and field-based experiments as well as molecular genetic analysis of bees and their viruses in the lab.
The working language of the lab is English. The neighbouring group of Robin Mortiz makes for a strong profile in bee biology and genetics at the University of Halle. The position is available for 1 year and 5 months and, though the start date is flexible, we seek a person to commence research during spring 2018. Halle is a delightful, historical city approximately 1.5 hours SW of Berlin. The salary is on the standard German postdoc scale E13, which translates to approximately Euro 51-57 K per annum (dependent on experience).
Further details of the position can be obtained from Robert Paxton (robert.paxton@zoologie-uni-halle.de), to whom applications should be sent by 15 February 2018 as a single pdf file to include: cover letter referring to « position 5-12596/17-D », cv, list of publications, a statement of research interests and goals (maximum 1 page), and contact details of two referees. Interviews are planned for March 2018, with a start date in April or as soon as possible thereafter.