Post-doctoral position in termite functional genomic
Human Frontier Science Program
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral researcher to join ourconsortium bringing international laboratories of H.S Sul from Berkeley-USA, W. De Beer from Pretoria-South Africa, E. Bornberg-BauerMuenster-Germany and M. Vasseur-Cognet iEES-Paris-France.
The successful candidate will join the project “defying thereproduction-maintenance trade-off: role of diet in long-lived termite reproductives”. We are seeking a motivated person, speaking French and English, autonomous, with education and experiences in entomology, in social insect biology (about termites would be the best), some experiences in the field and with a good background in genetic/molecularbiology. The position is supported by HF grant by September 2018. The contract is for one year located in W. De Beer laboratory (South Africa), renewable once. Applicants should send a CV and a cover lettersummarizing their past experience and motivation to Dr. MireilleVasseur-Cognet (mireille.vasseur@inserm.fr). They should also provide at least two letters of reference.
Mireille Vasseur-Cognet,
Chargé de Recherche INSERM -HDR
Institut d’Ecologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris
UMR CNRS 7618, IRD 242, UPEC 7618, UPMC 113, INRA 1392, Paris 7 113
Equipe Les espèces sociales dans leurs environnements: adaptation et
évolution (ESEAE)