The position is a full time, 2-year contract. Expected starting date: September 2018
ANR-funded project SOCIODEV: Understanding social evolution through the study of embryogenesis in ants.
Over 15000 ant species are known so far and present highly diverse morphologies, behaviour, colony structure and chemical recognition. Yes, we know very little about their mechanisms of embryogenesis, although this knowledge can shed light on the evolution of sociality. The SocioDev project aims at unravelling the mechanisms of embryo development across a representative selection of ant species and test how these mechanisms can inform us about their social lifestyle.
The project is coordinated by Dr. Abderrahman Khila, Institute of Functional Genomics, CNRS, ENS Lyon.
The post-doc will work on one task on this large project, focussing in particular on testing the possible link between the mode of embryogenesis and chemical recognition of larvae by nestmate workers. This task involves behavioural assays, chemical analyses and manipulations, and RNAseq experiments to analyse hydrocarbon biosynthesis pathways in the embryos.
The successful applicants will have a PhD in behavioural biology or evolutionary biology and a solid track record. Experience with insects and chemical analysis is welcome. Candidates should be fluent in English.
The post-doc will be based at the Laboratory of Experimental and Comparative Ethology, University of Paris 13 (http://leec.univ-paris13.fr), working with Prof. Patrizia d’Ettorre but will spend extended periods of time at Institute of Functional Genomics, Lyon, working with Dr. Abderrahman Khila (http://igfl.ens-lyon.fr/equipes/a.-khila-developmental-genomics-and-evolution).
Candidates should send, in one single PDF file: a) letter of interest, b) Curriculum Vitae with publication list; c) contact information (e-mail, phone) for two referees who can provide letters of recommendation.
DEADLINE for receiving applications: 15 April 2018
Contact: Patrizia d’Ettorre, dettorre@leec.univ-paris13.fr