Offre de Post-doc : Open Post-Doc Position: Protein evolution in slave-maker ants (Münster or Frankfurt, Germany)

Postdoc to study the role and mechanisms of protein evolution in the course of evolution of social complexity (DFG funded).

The candidate will investigate the genomic basis of convergent slave-maker evolution in ants, a system which has already dazzled Darwin and where one species exploits the social system of their host species. Both diverged from a recent common ancestor. The three independent origins of slave-making in the nine investigated closely related species (of which we avail high-quality genomes) allows investigating specific predictions with regards to these fascinating evolutionary phenotypic changes and associating these to genomic changes. The PostDoc position will be based in Münster (Bornberg group) or Frankfurt (Feldmeyer group) and closely linked to another project (Foitzik group in Mainz and Heinze group in Regensburg) which aims at functionally testing some of the candidate genes which have already been identified or will be identified in this project. Tenure will be for 3 years.

Related publication: forward to potentially interested candidates and/or circulate on related mailing lists. We look forward to receiving application by 15 December 2023 (
Anticipated starting date is flexible within the first half of 2024.More open positions in the bornberglab can be found here:

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