Biodiversity has been declining for several years and pollinators and associated ecosystem services are becoming a major concern. A large number of crops are dependent on pollinators for fruiting with impact on productivity. The causes of this threat to pollinators are probably multifactorial. The use of pesticides has a negative impact on biodiversity. Although bees are not the target, they are exposed. The consequences of exposure can be direct and lead to the death of individuals or indirect and modify their behavior or physiology.
Within the framework of this project, the person recruited will be in charge of participating in field monitoring of bee colonies. Data will be generated in the field from innovative devices developed in parallel to this project. Different pesticides will be tested in order to evaluate their impact on the behavior of bees within the hive. It will also be a question, in autonomy, of taking charge of all the processing of these data to analysis models (under R notably). The handling of data will require the use of various information tools, including database management.
The project will require mobility on different sites: the site of INRAE du Magneraud for the experimental part (spring, summer) and the University of Poitiers (fall, winter). The person recruited will also be required to travel occasionally to other sites.
– Field experiments
– Handling of colonies
– Behavioral observations
– Ecotoxicology
– Data analysis
– In-depth skills in behavioral ecology, ecotoxicology, insect physiology.
– Protocol development
– Knowledge of beekeeping desired
– Good knowledge of data analysis tools (R in particular for the development of RFID data analysis scripts).
– Linux/Unix working environment and knowing how to use IT tools such as Database Management (Postgresql)
– Writing scientific articles and presenting presentations at international conferences in English.
– Do not be afraid of bees, do not be allergic to hymenoptera stings
Knowledge of beekeeping, insect physiology, behavioral ecology.
Work context
This recruitment is part of the DANSE project (Coord. F-J Richard, EBI, Poitiers, partners INRAE, IGN), financed by the ECOPHYTO II+ plan co-piloted by the Ministries of Agriculture and Food, Ecological Transition and Solidarity, Solidarity and Health and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation as well as by the French Office for Biodiversity.
DANSE aims to identify the effect of pesticides. In addition to mortality, different impacts will be measured and mainly the effects on the behavior of honeybees. Genomic tools, in vivo and in vitro rearing, as well as data analysis skills will be mobilized.
The candidate is recruited by the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS. The present contract will take place within the Ecology and Biology of Interactions Laboratory (EBI, UMR-CNRS 7267) and will involve contacts and meetings with the other partners of the DANSE project. You will be hosted in the experimental unit APIS (Centre INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Poitiers) in the framework of the DANSE program. You will also work outside the beekeeping season at the Ecology and Biology of Interactions laboratory (EBI – UMR CNRS 7267) at the University of Poitiers. The EBI laboratory offers a stimulating environment that is characterized by its ability to integrate ecology and evolution issues and the diversity of its technical platforms. This project is perfectly in line with this interface logic and will benefit from recent developments of connected hives and its applications to the studied model (the honeybee). It will also benefit from the laboratory’s computer infrastructure.
Reference : UMR7267-FRERIC-005
Number of position : 1
Workplace : POITIERS
Date of publication : 18 October 2023
Type of Contract : FTC Scientist
Contract Period : 12 months
Expected date of employment : 5 February 2024
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : 2905 euros brut mensuel
Desired level of education : Niveau 8 – (Doctorat)
Experience required : 1 to 4 years
Section(s) CN : Biodiversity, evolution and biological adaptations: from macromolecules to communities
Link to the online offer : https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7267-FRERIC-005/Default.aspx?lang=EN
Constraints and risks : Not being allergic to bee stings