Due to COVID-19 restrictions and uncertainty, we have decided to move the NWE IUSSI Winter meeting to be predominantly online.https://iussi.org/NWEurope/meetings.htm You can sign up to the conference, and find even more details, at the following link: https://forms.gle/p8Zppic4VWYUdFSV7 Nominations are being sort for the new section President and Secretary, who will be elected at the meeting After almost three years as President and Secretary, respectively, it is time for Seirian Sumner and Michael Poulsen to step down. Fabio Manfredini will continue as Treasurer until the 2022 Winter meeting. The AGM at the upcoming Winter meeting will include a vote from the membership on the future President and Secretary. If you are a section member and would like to nominate yourself, please email Michael (mpoulsen@bio.ku.dk) in advance or bring your nomination up during the meeting. You can find a brief description of the tasks associated with these positions at http://iussi.org/NWEurope/download/IUSSI%20Committee%20Member%20Responsibilities.pdf, and the section terms of reference at http://iussi.org/NWEurope/download/NWIUSSI_Terms%20of%20Reference.pdf If you have signed up to join in Oxford, Chris Pull is happy to still host a hublet at Oxford, so that the plenary can be attended in person and so that anyone who has booked non-refundable travel can still come. However, if you have registered to participate in Oxford but would be prefer to participate online instead, please let Chris know (christopher.pull@zoo.ox.ac.uk). If you have submitted an abstract to present a poster but would like to present a fire talk instead, please contact Chris Pull (christopher.pull@zoo.ox.ac.uk). The meeting will be free of charge for all attendees. If you have already paid, you will be contacted by Fabio Manfredini to arrange for reimbursement. All registered attendees will receive a zoom link by email shortly before the meeting. Lastly, we are still looking for members who are interested in running for president and secretary, so don’t hold back! More details can be found at: