Insectes Sociaux, the official journal of the IUSSI, is looking for two to three Associate Editors.
Insectes Sociaux publishes papers dealing with various aspects of the biology and evolution of social insects and other presocial arthropods; these include ecology, ethology, morphology, population genetics, reproduction, communication, sociobiology, caste differentiation and social parasitism.
Associate Editors solicit reviews of submitted papers and make recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief about the acceptability of submissions. The submission load for an Associate Editor is usually 20-25 manuscripts per year. Applications from scientists studying any aspect of social insect biology are welcome, although the most immediate editorial needs are for expertise in bee behavior, wasp behavior and ecology, termite biology, and the biology of presocial arthropods. Nominations are also welcome. Associate Editors must be mid-career or senior scientists who have strong publication records and active research programs. Associate Editors are paid a small stipend per manuscript handled.
Insectes Sociaux seeks to have an editorial team that reflects all aspects of the diversity of its membership.
Applications and nominations should be sent to: Prof. Michael Breed, Editor-in-Chief, Insectes Sociaux at: michael.breed@colorado.edu.
Applications should include a current CV and a letter of interest.