EU-IUSSI 2020 – virtual symposium series in October and November 2021

We are glad to announce that EU-IUSSI 2020 will take place in the form of a virtual symposium series in October and November 2021, every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 15:00 (UK time).

We are welcoming applicants for talks. Please send your abstract (title, list of authors, affiliations, 200 words description max) by email directly to symposia organizers. The list of symposia and the contacts are available in the « program overview » page. Submission deadline is 15/07/2021.

There are no registration fees. But please register in the « my registration » page (name, email, affiliations) to make sure you receive the zoom links (these will also be shared through IUSSI sections mailing lists).

We hope you will be many to join !

The Toulouse team,

and the European IUSSI sections.

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