Dear colleagues,
Please see below and attached regarding openings to join Mike Breed to ensure our journal continues to publish the best papers in our field. Under Mike’s tenure as Editor-in-Chief, Insectes Sociaux has done very well. So well that Springer has offered to increase the page budget from 15 papers per issue to 18, in line with the current rate of submissions. So a big thank you to Mike and the current associate editors, including our social media editor, who has certainly helped increase the journal’s profile. And of course thank you to all of you, for your continuing support.
If you feel you would like to do more for our journal, please consider applying to join the editorial board as an associate editor.
Please circulate this message to your members. And while you are at it, I would also like sections to start thinking about IUSSI2022. It would be wonderful if we had some strong proposals to choose from at our meeting in Brazil next year. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the organizing committee for IUSSI2016, so I highly recommend sections to consider putting a bid in. I am sure that Ben Oldroyd and Klaus Hartfelder will also be more than willing to provide advice to anyone considering putting a proposal together.
With best regards, Madeleine
MADELEINE BEEKMAN | School of Life and Environmental Sciences | Faculty of Science
Room 249, Macleay A12 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9351 8779 | F +61 2 9351 4771 | M +61 437 871 542
E madeleine.beekman@sydney.edu.au | W http://sydney.edu.au/science/biology/socialinsects/