Dear colleagues and friends,
The next European meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (EU-IUSSI) will be held in Toulouse, France, on 24-26 Aug 2020 at the University Paul Sabatier. We hope to fill this conference with many great talks and posters, and this will only be possible with contributions from symposium organizers. Therefore, we would like to announce that the call for symposia is now open.
Like for previous editions, the three days of conference will be organized with topic symposia and open sessions. We aim to cover a broad range of emerging as well as classical topics, and preference will be given to symposia that are not restricted to only one taxon. Each symposium should contain four invited talks (one long talk and three short). The sessions will then be completed with a number of non-invited talks (short) selected from the spontaneous abstract submissions. The length of long and short talks will be adjusted depending on the number of abstract submission received. If your symposium is accepted, you will commit to select speakers from the submitted abstracts and chair the session during the meeting.
The proposals will be evaluated by the scientific committee of the meeting, which contains representatives from all the active European sections of the IUSSI: Serge Aron, Cristina Castracani, Sylvia Cremer, Claire Detrain, Patrizia D’Ettore, Christoph Grüter, Juergen Heinze, Elli Leadbeater, Tom Wenseelers.
If you would like to organize a symposium, please send your proposal (symposium title, name and address of organizers, 300 word summary, names of invited speakers) before the 30th of September 2019 to mathieu.lihoreau@univ-tlse3.fr. It is highly recommended that the task is shared by at least two organizers, ideally from different institutes.
We are looking forward to your proposals, and to seeing you all in Toulouse!
The organizing committee