Dear Colleague,
the web site of the 6th International Entomophagous Insects Conference (IEIC6), Perugia, Italy, 9-13 September 2019, is now available. Please link to www.ieic6.it for information on the Conference venue, registration fees, deadlines and preliminary program.
In brief, the venue of the Conference is the ancient Monumental Complex of the San Pietro Abbey, which is the location of the DSA3 (Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences) of the University of Perugia. The Abbey is also a stunning concentration of art and history.
The Conference is structured into 6 sessions, with keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations, coffee breaks and lunches. A social tour and gala dinner are also planned.
Guided tours in the town of Perugia and in the Umbria region, the “green heart of Italy”, will be organized for accompanying people.
The registration and call for abstracts will open on 25 February 2019 and close on 5 May 2019 (early registration). The Conference early registration fee is 350 Euros, reduced to 250 for students. The fee also includes the welcome reception, coffee breaks and lunches.
Looking forward to seeing you in Perugia from 9 to 13 September 2019.
The Organizing Committee
Eric Conti (Chair)
Roberto Romani
Gianandrea Salerno
Gabriele Rondoni
Valeria Bertoldi
The Scientific Committee
Guy Boivin
Jacques Brodeur
George Heimpel
Jordi Moya-Laraño
Marta Montserrat
Louise E.M. Vet
Eric Wajnberg
Eizi Yano