Assistant Professor – Urban Entomology
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology
Campus Box 7616
2510 Thomas Hall
Raleigh, NC 27695-7616
P: 919.515.2730
The Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University invites applications for a 9‐month tenure‐track position at the Assistant Professor level. This faculty position is located on the main campus in Raleigh, North Carolina, and has a 70% research and 30% academic appointment. The position carries responsibilities for research relating to the biology and management of major wood‐destroying arthropod pests of structures, mainly termites, but also including wood‐infesting ants or beetles. The incumbent is expected to develop a vigorous internationally recognized research program generating extramural funding and providing timely information and pest management technologies to Cooperative Extension efforts in this area. Some relevant areas of research, among others, could be (a) invasion dynamics and genetic structure of colonies; (b) impact of climate change on spread of native and invasive pest populations; (c) physiological mechanisms and natural products (e.g., antimicrobials) that facilitate life in a microbe/pathogen rich soil; (d) symbiotic associations with microbes that enable termites to process lignin and cellulose; and (e) regulation of development and reproduction of termite colonies. Significant opportunities exist for collaboration with faculty in Urban Entomology, Forest Biomaterials, NC Agromedicine Institute, Center for Human Health and the Environment, SE Climate Science Center and partnerships with corporations and government agencies, especially those in Research Triangle Park or elsewhere in North Carolina. The successful candidate will work closely with Extension faculty to deliver relevant and timely information to the Pest Management Industry and other stakeholder groups. The incumbent is expected to develop graduate and undergraduate courses in their area of expertise, for example Urban Ecology, Urban Entomology, Insect‐Microbe Symbiosis, Molecular Ecology, Techniques in Molecular Ecology and Evolution, Molecular symbiosis, or related courses. Mentoring graduate and undergraduate students is expected.
Minimum qualifications include a PhD in Entomology or field of study directly related to the position description; demonstrated expertise in a field of research complementary to research of other faculty in Entomology and Plant Pathology; dedication and demonstrated record of collaborative research; commitment to interacting with Urban Entomology stakeholders and developing innovative pest management approaches. In addition to excellence in undergraduate or graduate teaching, the incumbent is expected to have demonstrable skills in verbal and written communication, interpersonal relations, and procurement of extramural funding. The position includes a competitive and comprehensive compensation and start‐up package. Review of applications will proceed after January 17, 2017, until the position is filled. For further information, contact the Entomology & Plant Pathology Department Head, Dr. Eric Davis (eric_davis@ncsu.edu). For a complete job description and details for submission of applications, please reference http://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/75206. NC State is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women and members of other underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. In addition, NC State University welcomes all persons without regard to sexual orientation or genetic information. We welcome the opportunity to work with candidates to identify suitable employment opportunities for spouses or partners. Inclusiveness and diversity are integral to NC State’s commitment to excellence in research, engagement and education. The successful candidate will be expected to foster an environment that is welcoming of all groups.