
Offre de thèse : University of Oxford – Bumblebees

Fully funded PhD opportunity in pollinator ecology at the University of Oxford, UK – UK or EU nationals only Global declines of both wild and managed insect pollinators threaten ecosystem function and human food security. Pollinator declines have been specifically linked to declines in the abundance and diversity of floral resources, the use of agrochemicals, […]

Offre de thèse : Bee nesting resources: the missing element of sustainable crop pollinatio

To ensure sustainable pollination services to crops, bees and other pollinators, need both forage and a place to live. There is a substantial body of research on how to enhance food resources for bees on farms, but the importance of nesting resources is poorly studied. This highly novel PhD provides an opportunity to work with […]


Early discount registration and abstract submission for the XI European Congress of Entomology will close on 28 February 2018. The congress will have a session specifically dedicated to social insects named « SOCIAL INSECTS AND APIDOLOGY », which will have three themes: Social immunity – Keynote: Line Vej Ugelvig Bees: management, ecosystem services, and products: Keynote: Christina […]

PhD position: Genomic basis of honeybee foraging and decision-making

PhD position: Genomic basis of honeybee foraging and decision-making Application deadline: 1st April 2018 We invite applications for a 3-year DFG (German Research Foundation) funded PhD position (65% TVL E13) at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. We are looking for a highly motivated student to study the genomic basis of honeybee foraging behaviour. Honeybees exhibit sophisticated communication […]

Offre de stage : GeorgiaSouthernU.InsectEvolution

The Gibson lab in the Department of Biology at Georgia Southern University (GSU) is looking for a MS student in insect evolutionary genetics to begin Fall 2018. The research focus of the lab is on the genetic/genomic basis of traits in Hymenopteran insects, particularly metabolic and mitochondrial physiology. Current projects/systems in the lab include (1) […]