
Offre de Postdoc : impact of stress on collective behaviour in honey bee colonies at the University of Sydney in Australia

School of Life and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science Research position focused on investigating the impact of stress on collective behaviour in honey bee colonies Full-time, 3 Years Fixed-Term, Camperdown Campus Academic Level A Base Salary: $92,682 p.a. – $98,940 p.a. plus leave loading and a generous employer’s contribution to superannuation.   More details: […]

Offre de stage M2 : Exposure to pesticides and Bee health: an intercontinental project

ExpoBee Exposure to pesticides and Bee health: an intercontinental project ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety – European Union Reference Laboratory for Honeybee Health; Section of Maisons-Alfort, Paris) is looking for an enthusiastic student that is interested in gaining research and data management experience. You will be working together with […]

Offre de Thèses & de Post-docs : 2 PhD and 2 Post-doc positions to study transmission dynamics and disease defences in ant colonies in Switzerland

2 PhD and 2 Post-doc positions to study transmission dynamics and disease defences in ant colonies (Switzerland)   As part of a new ERC-funded project (ERC Starting Grant), I am looking for 2 PhD students and 2 post-doctoral researchers to address the following questions: 1. What are the effects of social network structure on disease […]

Prix jeune chercheur/euse UIEIS-SF 2019

Bonjour a tous, Chaque année de colloque national, la section francophone de l’UIEIS décerne un Prix Jeune Chercheur/euse. Cette année le lauréat sera invité a donner une conférence pléniere lors du colloque qui se tiendra a Avignon (fin aout 2019), et se verra remettre le prix par le Président de la Section. Les candidats doivent […]

Offre de Postdoc : Effects of social network structure on disease transmission in ants

A 2-year post-doc position is available in the research group of Professor Nathalie Stroeymeyt in the Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, to study the effect of social network properties on disease transmission dynamics in ant colonies. Background Group living offers favourable conditions for the spread of infectious diseases, because high population densities and frequent […]