
Offre de Master 2 : Effets des vagues de chaleur sur les soins maternels chez le perce-oreille (IRBI, Tours)


Contexte Un nombre croissant d’études démontre que la multiplication des événements météorologiques extrêmes tels que les vagues de chaleur1 peut avoir un impact majeur sur les ectothermes à courte durée de vie tels que les insectes2. Dans ce projet de Master, nous proposons de mieux comprendre cet impact en étudiant les effets des vagues de […]

Offre de stage M2/M1/Césure : Etude du traitement de l’information phéromonale chez l’abeille Apis mellifera (EGCE, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette)

Proposition de projet de stage (M2, M1 ou césure) pour l’année universitaire 2023-24 Titre : Etude du traitement de l’information phéromonale chez l’abeille Apis mellifera Equipe de recherche Equipe EVOLBEE : cognition, reproduction et adaptation chez l’abeille Laboratoire Evolution, Genomes, Comportement et Ecologie (EGCE, CNRS, IRD, Univ. Paris-Saclay, UMR 9191, Gif-sur-Yvette) – IDEEV (Institut Diversité […]

Offre de Post-doc : Open Post-Doc Position: Protein evolution in slave-maker ants (Münster or Frankfurt, Germany)

Postdoc to study the role and mechanisms of protein evolution in the course of evolution of social complexity (DFG funded). The candidate will investigate the genomic basis of convergent slave-maker evolution in ants, a system which has already dazzled Darwin and where one species exploits the social system of their host species. Both diverged from […]

Offre de Post-doc : Uncovering the Evolution and Molecular Regulation of Insect Cognition (iomE Mainz, Germany)

Postdoctoral Researcher Position at the iomE Mainz, Germany: Uncovering the Evolution and Molecular Regulation of Insect Cognition How do insects learn to find their way around a maze? When does it make sense for them to forget? What are the molecular bases of learning and forgetting in these social insects? How are those genes regulated […]

Offre de thèse : Consequences of genomic changes during the evolution of ant slavery (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)

Doctoral Researcher Position (PhD): Consequences of genomic changes during the evolution of ant slavery Join our international team as a graduate student to investigate the consequences genomic changes during the evolution of dulotic social parasitism. Follow up on the recent discovery that slavemaking ants have convergently lost odorant receptors and investigate the ability of these […]