
Offre de thèse : Ageing in social animals

PhD: AGEING IN SOCIAL ANIMALS, UEA   PHD STUDENTSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The ageing bee: how does sociality affect ageing in social animals? PhD to study sociality and ageing in bumble bees at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Supervisors: Andrew Bourke (, Alex Maklakov, Tracey Chapman (all UEA)   Closing date for applications: TUESDAY 7 […]

Offre de stage : Ant gene evolution

GRADUATE POSITION: ANT GENE EVOLUTION, FLORIDA   Interested in Genetic and Epigenetic Basis of Social Evolution? Apply for Graduate School at the University of Florida (UF) The Yan Lab in the UF Biology is seeking graduate researchers to study how evolutionary expansion of receptor genes and diversity of sensory neurons in ants regulate their social […]

Offres thèse et Stage M2 : Pollinator health & bee abundance, Virginia tech

POLLINATOR HEALTH & BEE ABUNDANCE, VIRGINIA TECH   The Couvillon Lab and the O’Rourke Lab, both at Virginia Tech, seek 2 (1 Ph.D., 1 M.S./Ph.D.) highly motivated students with a keen interest in pollinator health & native bee abundance and diversity to join our research groups. Students will begin in Fall 2020 or Winter 2021. […]

Offre de stage : Effet du caractère envahissant des fourmis du complexe Tapinoma nigerrimum sur la myrmécofaune

Effet du caractère envahissant des fourmis du complexe Tapinoma nigerrimum sur la myrmécofaune et identification des sources de propagation Publiée le: 18 novembre 2019 Contact: Date de fin de validité: 2020-03-31 Stage M1 Contexte : Les activités humaines ont fait entrer le monde dans une période de changements globaux où l’on observe un déclin […]

Offre de thèse : the ‘omics cascade of bumble bee cold tolerance

PhD positions to study the ‘omics cascade of bumble bee cold tolerance   Funding for PhD students is available at The University of Alabama as part of a recently awarded NSF Rules of Life project: “Bumble bee cold tolerance across elevations – From epigenotype to phenotype across space, time, and levels of biological organization”. PhD […]