
Offre de Post-doc & Thèse – Several postdoc and PhD positions on bees and ants: US, UK, Germany, Denmark

POSTDOC: GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY OF ANTS, YALE        A new, 2-3 year postdoc position is available in association with the Yale Center for Biodiversity and Global Change (BGC Center), the GEO BON Species Populations Working Group, Map of Life, and the Jetz Lab. The position is part of a larger, collaborative initiative to advance […]

Offre de thèse : University of Konstanz, Germany

A fully funded position is available to study the social regulation of stinging behaviour of honeybees. Honeybees defend their nest against large predators thanks to a collective effort to harass and sting the intruder. The stinger apparatus has evolved to detach upon stinging elastic skin (such as ours) to maximize venom delivery, but the drawback […]

Offre de stage : Effet du gradient de fermeture du milieu sur les communautés d’abeilles sauvages dans les ENS de l’Hérault (34)

Contact: Date de fin de validité: 2019-12-20 Contexte et problématique La pollinisation connait une crise mondiale, qui concerne à la fois les abeilles domestiques et sauvages, ainsi que l’ensemble des insectes pollinisateurs. Les problèmes de la filière apicole a permis de sensibiliser plus largement le grand public au déclin de l’ensemble des insectes pollinisateurs. […]

Offre de stage : University of Hull – BeeGenomics

For details please contact Dr James Gilbert ( To apply, and for more details: Deadline: 6 Jan 2020 Eligibility: UK and EU students only Funding: UK (NERC, Competition-funded)   Ecosystem stability and global food security depend upon healthy populations of bees, our foremost pollinators. Bees provide pollination services worth hundreds of billions of pounds […]

Offre de thèse : Origin and maintenance of plasticity in response to thermal stress in invasive and declining ants

PhD position to work on social insects is available in the Lab of Functional Genomics & Sociobiology at the University of Aberdeen, under the supervision of Dr Fabio Manfredini. « Origin and maintenance of plasticity in response to thermal stress in invasive and declining ants ». This is a 4 year PhD project, part of a competition […]