
Offre de postdoc : Evolution and Genomics of Attine Ant Fungi, Copenhagen

Deadline: 10 January 2020 The Department of Biology in the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark is offering a Postdoctoral fellowship in fungal evolution and genomics, commencing 1 September 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter. The University of Copenhagen provides a top-notch research environment and the city of Copenhagen provides a […]

Offre de thèse : PhD student: Social Immunity in Ants, IST Austria

Deadline: 8 January 2020 We are loooking for a highly motivated student to join our team working on the social immunity in ant colonies. The PhD thesis will be integrated in an ERC project to elucidate how ant colonies as a whole reach disease defence by the cooperative actions of its members. In particularly, we study […]

Offre de thèse :Bumblebees and climate change, Imperial College at Silwood Park

  Deadline: 6 January 2020 PhD: Studying bumblebee population dynamics and adaptations to understand plant-pollinator evolution under climate change Supervisors: Richard Gill, Jacob Johansson & Keith Larson To date our understanding of how insect pollinator declines are influenced by climate change remains limited. For instance, why have some species shown evidence of latitudinal range shifts in […]

Soutenance d’HDR : Communication chez les insectes

HABILITATION À DIRIGER DES RECHERCHES Discipline : Sciences de la Vie Année universitaire : 2019/2020 Présenté et soutenu publiquement par Christophe Lucas Le mercredi 18 décembre 2019, Salle des thèses, Bâtiment L, Parc de Grandmont à 14h   Communication chez les insectes : signaux, adaptation, spécialisation Les organismes vivants ne sont pas isolés dans leurs environnements. […]