
Offre de thèse : Floral preferences of bumblebees across a range of European climates, Durham (UK)

Deadline: 7th January 2022Application: are agriculturally important pollinators, but are currently declining in abundance in the UK and around the world, in part due to climate change (Soroye et al. 2020). Understanding these declines requires research on the biology and ecology of these species. Bumblebees are thought to be generalists, pollinating a variety of […]

Offre de post-doc : Honey bee genomics and molecular neuroscience, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Application Review started 8 November 2021 but position will remain open until filledThe Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate as part of a project using honey bees, genomics, comparative genomics, and molecular neuroscience to advance our understanding of the mechanisms […]

Offre de thèses : Evolutionary ecology of social insects, Aberdeen

Application deadline: 1 December 2021 1) The first project is on the « Importance and sustainability of endangered communities of bee pollinators in the machair, a changing coastal ecosystem ». This is a 3.5 years CASE project, part of a competition funded by QUADRAT NERC DTP and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust ( and in collaboration with Dr […]

Prix Jeune Chercheur 2021

Après examen des candidatures (5 dossiers reçus), le Conseil d’Administration a le plaisir d’attribuer le Prix Jeune Chercheur de la Section Française IUSSI à Hugo Darras dont les recherches sont consacrées à l’étude des mécanismes de reproduction chez les fourmis. Hugo présentera ses travaux le mercredi 1er décembre à 12h00 par visioconférence avant l’assemblée générale […]