Offre de stage Master : Weaver ants as natural pest control, Sabah, Malaysia

MSc: WEAVER ANTS AS NATURAL PEST CONTROL, SABAH, MALAYSIA   A research-based MSc studentship is available to work on: Weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) as natural pest control in oil palm plantations   A highly motivated postgraduate student is sought to join a project exploring how arboreal weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina; Malaysian common name « Kerengga ») can […]

Offre de thèse : Social insect collective behavior, Macquarie and Monash Universities, Australia

PhD & RESEARCH ASSOCIATES: SOCIAL INSECT COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR, MACQUARIE & MONASH, AUSTRALIA   Positions for research associates and PhD candidates are in an exciting project that studies collective behaviour in social insects. You will work within a cutting-edge multidisciplinary collaboration of experimental biologists and mathematical computational modellers at Macquarie and Monash Universities, and international partners […]

Offre de thèse : Self-assembly in weaver ants, Macquarie and Monash Universities, Australia

SELF-ASSEMBLY IN WEAVER ANTS, MACQUARIE, AUSTRALIA   Are you interested in pursuing an exciting PhD project on a unique ant species, at a supportive, world-class institution in a beautiful part of the world?   I am looking for a highly motivated PhD student to participate in our project « Ant-inspired rules for self-assembly in swarm robotics […]

Request for Monomorium samples

Dear myrmecologists, I’m Rohini Singh, a 5th year Ph.D. student working in Tim Linksvayer’s lab at the University of Pennsylvania. I have been investigating the effects of infection by the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia on Monomorium pharaonis colonies (for more information, please see a recent biorxiv preprint; I would like to further assess the prevalence […]

Offre de Stage : Interested in Genetic and Epigenetic Basis of Social Evolution?

Interested in Genetic and Epigenetic Basis of Social Evolution? Apply for Graduate School at the University of Florida (UF) The Yan Lab in the UF Biology is seeking graduate researchers to study how evolutionary expansion of receptor genes and diversity of sensory neurons in ants regulate their social communication and interaction with ecological environment, as […]

Offre de thèse : Conservation physiology in wild bees

« Conservation physiology in wild bees » dans le cadre d’un projet européen Biodiversa. Most of studies on wild bee decline have focused on species richness and distribution patterns through large (national to continental) scales. However, those patterns (species range contractions and diversity erosion) depict the outcome of extinction processes. Conservation biologists urgently need to identify alternative […]

Offre de stage en cognition et comportement – Master 1 – Modulation de l’apprentissage visuel par le neuropeptide sNPF chez Apis mellifera.

Modulation de l’apprentissage visuel par le neuropeptide sNPF chez Apis mellifera. Contact: Date de fin de validité: 2020-08-01 Contexte : La plupart des comportements peuvent être modulés par l’action de composés biochimiques, tels que des neuropeptides. Par exemple, des études ont permis de démontrer chez les mammifères que la recherche et la prise de […]