2018 – Guaruja, Brésil – XVIII Congrès International de l’IUSSI, 5-10 août


Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure to invite you to attend the XVIII IUSSI International Congress that will be held in Guarujá, Brazil, between August 5 to 10, 2018.

From June 1 till October 20, 2017, we will be receiving symposia proposals for the XVIII IUSSI International Congress
As shown in the general Program structure (see Program in Menu, http://www.iussi2018.com), we have scheduled 8 slots for symposia (7 with 2.5 hours duration each and 1 with 2 h), and for each of these slots we can have up to 5 parallel sessions.
So as to keep parallel sessions parallel, each speaker slot would be projected for 15 min (including discussion). So in case you plan to have an introductory speaker, he/she would have to be programmed for a 30 min time frame.

Proposals should be structured as follows:
– Symposium title
– Chair and co-chair names
– Chair and co-chair contact addresses and e-mails
– List of potential speakers and time proposed for each (15 or 30 min)
Please inform which speakers you have already contacted and which ones already agreed, at least tentatively
Symposia proposals must be submitted in English

In case you think that a 2.5 hour time frame is not sufficient for your symposium, please indicate this so that the symposium can have a continuation in the subsequent symposia slot (morning/afternoon in such cases). Also, please mention whether you would have slots available for non-invited abstract submissions that may fit the topic of your symposium.

Please send applications (in Word format) to our Gmail account: iussi2018@gmail.com
Use the subject heading: [IUSSI 2018 Symposium Proposal]
Deadline: Please submit proposals no later than October 20, 2017

Evaluation of symposia proposals: all proposals will be discussed between the members of the International Scientific Committee and the Local Organizing Committee for the best fit in terms of scientific and logistic structure.

For a successful and interesting 2018 congress we would especially appreciate to receive suggestions that envisage the crosstalk between different areas of research on social insects. This was the concept already proposed for the 2014 meeting and it brought us many fruitful discussions.
Suggestions made by the evaluation committees will be communicated to the proponents so that eventual adjustments can be made.

Thus, we think that by January 2018 we should have an attractive program proposal ready.

Please note the following important dates for the 18th International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI2018).

2 March 2018: Deadline for abstract submission(Extended from original date of 16 February).
30 March 2018: Notification of acceptance of abstracts is expected.
15 April 2018: Deadline for early-bird (discounted) registration.
22 July 2018: On-line registration closes.

For more details :


Most regional sections of the IUSSI are or will be offering some financial assistance for students to attend IUSSI2018. Please contact your local section, as the details of the application procedure and deadlines vary.

For those who are members of the IUSSI, but do not have a local section, applications can be made to the general secretary. Please see the news section of the IUSSI international web site for details: http://www.iussi.org

Please note that the early-bird registration deadline for the congress has been set to well after the expected date on which acceptance of abstracts will be confirmed, so that students should be able to know whether they have been accepted for a talk or poster (a common requirement for the grant applications) before registering.


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